"Art is beauty, the perpetual invention of detail, the choice of words, the exquisite care of execution.
" -- Theophile Gautier
When designing it can be difficult to get the project to look just right. It takes a great attention to detail, loads of dedication, and ample amounts of time. This week, I came across a few photos that were edited (or recreated) flawlessly in Photoshop. These images have inspired me to work harder to create something as seamless and to execute something as perfect as the projects these artists have put together.
The first image I found features an orange frog that becomes a peeled orange (fruit) in the center. The editing is so well done that the viewer cannot see where the combination of the two photos exists. This project makes me wonder how I could apply this technique to other objects. I have found that I start imagining what it would look like to cut other things in half and add something in the center to hold it together. This project is beyond clever, because the frog already looks like an orange, so literally adding an orange peel in the center almost makes sense. I am not sure if I would ever be able to think of something quite this clever, but this photo definitely makes me wonder and ask a lot of "what if" questions.
Another image I found combines a sketch and a background photo so seamlessly, that it is almost impossible to tell it has been edited. There were many photos like this one, but this one was my favorite. All of the photos that Ben Heine produces are perfectly aligned. The hand and the sketch were added in later, but in most cases you cannot tell. This is such a cool idea! I find that it inspires me to want to think more creatively about what I add to my photography. I never would have thought to add a picture or sketch that fits perfectly into a picture. The flawlessness of this project is what really makes it work. This project makes me wish I spent more time perfecting every project that I put my name on. It also really makes me want to think outside the box more and start combining different elements of art into one project.