Thursday, February 2, 2012

Creating New From Old

Chapter 6 of Michako's Thinkertoys talks about examining parts of a problem instead of trying to fix the problem in its entirety. One thing I really grasped from this chapter was how examining specific parts of a(n) project, object, or problem can help you come up with a creative solution that you might not have come to otherwise. One thing that I think can come out of this exercise is finding new functions or uses for objects that may no longer serve their original purpose. The book talks about analyzing the attributes of the object and then trying to improve each attribute. I think that seeing how an object can be otherwise used is a great way to challenge your creative mind and help you think outside the box the next time you run into a problem.

One place that I have seen this done numerous times is on Pinterest.
People come up with some crazy, creative uses for old things you might have lying around the house. There are also a lot of ideas that combine ordinary things to come up with something really creative. Seeing these DIY (Do It Yourself) ideas for fashion, food, crafts, ect. inspire me to make new creations out of the things I have lying around. It makes me realize that if I look at something in a new way and I analyze the attributes of an object, I could come up with something really creative.

Here are some examples of things I saw on Pinterest that has inspired me to look at things in a new way:

Turning old tissue boxes and egg cartons into Valentine's Day boxes for kids.

Source: via Chelsea on Pinterest

Turning an a light bulb into a creatively unique fish bowl.

Turning an old t-shirt into a new fringe scarf.

These examples have inspired me to look at problems that I face with new eyes. Even ordinary objects like tissue boxes, light bulbs, and old t-shirts can be made into something creative. The ability to be creative comes when you are willing to train your mind to think outside of the box.

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